ABC Wednesday-G for Grow

G for grow, grow old together in our marriage life. Love is attraction, love at first sight, love is blind…Well, marriage is much more complicated. Any happy marriage can not last long without love, but I bet not a single married couple will be happy in a marriage relationship if there is only love.
G for grow, a couple of married lover must learn things together, share interest together, communicate well in life and grow old together.
Want to know more ABC in life, Read ABC Wednesday here.

4 Responses to "ABC Wednesday-G for Grow"

Jane Hards Photography (visit their site)

That is a lovely way to do the post for a g.

It isn't you, linky is still on the blinky.

Roger Owen Green (visit their site)

wonderfully philosophical

~JarieLyn~ (visit their site)

I love your point of view. Great post, and very creative.

jay (visit their site)

That's so very true! You both need to grow and develop in any long-term relationship!